Singuliere blanc, 2021, Chateau Leoube, 0,75 l

Original price was: 62,50 €.Current price is: 43,75 €.

Sinugliere Blanc je redek izraz sauvignona, ki je zorel na sredozemskem soncu. To belo vino je edinstvena interpretacija obmorskega terroirja kleti Chateau Leoube Polnega okusa, globok, mineralen, razkriva čudovito živahnost, veliko bogastvo in elegantno kompleksnost.

Availability: 11 in stock

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Identiteta “Singulier” cuvée izhaja iz posebne lokacije vinogradov Château Léoube. Narejen iz majhnega deleža sauvignona blanca, izbranega z največjo skrbnostjo, »Rodil se je iz naše želje, da ne ostanemo osredotočeni na tradicionalne sredozemne sorte grozdja. Predvsem izraža našo željo, da gremo še dlje, da pretresamo kodekse in iščemo nova zavezništva, hkrati pa ostajamo zvesti svoji identiteti,« pravi Romain Ott, glavni vinar.

Sorte: sauvignon blanc, rolle, ugni Blanc in sémillon.

Sinugliere Blanc je redek izraz sauvignona, ki je zorel na sredozemskem soncu. To belo vino je edinstvena interpretacija obmorskega terroirja kleti Chateau Leoube Polnega okusa, globok, mineralen, razkriva čudovito živahnost, veliko bogastvo in elegantno kompleksnost. Zanimivo!

Weight 1,5 kg

0,75 l



Wine style

Rich white wine

Recommended temperature

6-8 °C


sauvignon blanc, rolle, ugni blanc, sémillon




Chateau Leoube



Food matching

Ribe, školjke, belo meso, zelenjava, mehki siri.


Golden yellow

Ageing potential

5-10 years


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Chateau Leoube

The story of Léoube begins in Provence. At the heart of this magnificent area, located in a coastal bay on one of the most beautiful protected vineyards in Europe, is the Léoube estate. Rooted between the sea and the hills, it offers a unique terroir of 68 hectares of vines and 23 hectares of olive groves, all dedicated to the production of grapes and olives for organic wines and olive oils. For more than 20 years, the land has been cultivated and farmed according to the principles of organic farming. In 1998, they started the long process of converting the vineyard and olive grove. They renovated the plots, cultivated the soil with the greatest care and planted vines. They stopped using any pesticides and chemicals. They produce only what the land has to offer. Viticulture and cultivation is in harmony with nature. They respect the natural cycles of the seasons and the balance of each plant in its environment. They want to make the world of today and tomorrow more sustainable in order to provide a better planet for future generations.

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